Spring Critiques (paid)
Very exciting! Thank you!
Thanks Will!
Just for confirmation: the 25$ is on top of the monthly subscription, is that right? -
Of course I want to join in again! I love the critique sessions!
@audrey-dowling for subscribers its 18,75 Love to meet you there again Audrey!
@audrey-dowling That's right - but with the discount it's $18.75 I believe
Oh wow thank you for doing a critique in European daytime! Sounds fantastic
Excellent! This will be my first!
I hope to learn a ton.
Purchase - done and dusted.
Thank you guys! -
Looking forward to it! : )
I was going back and forth on whether to go for it, but I signed up. With the conference this month and a project due in May I wasn't sure how much time I would have to make a new piece, but then I realized that if this month does end up being busy I don't have to have something totally brand new for the critique--one of the pieces I completed last month could work too. I do hope to have time for a new piece, but if not I still have things I could submit.
Wow, what a deal! Not surprising but that definitely sold out fast. I hope to get some more illustrations under my belt so I have something worth critiquing in a future class.
I guess I need to check the Forums more often! I am rather envious of those of you who made it in . . .