Your thoughts, please, for 3rd Thurs April
I like Quentin Blake's loose style so I'm working on learning that. Any thoughts on this idea and its first work-through for 3rd Thurs
I love Quentin Blake's work! I do have a thought: While your loose style is nice, you still need form. I found this on Quentin Blake's website:
"I do a freewheeling sort of drawing that looks as though it is done on the spur of the moment. However even a single drawing needs a certain amount of preparation and planning.
Most of the time I need to do a rough in which I find out how people stand, what sort of expressions they have and how they fit on the page..." (
Look at reference for frogs, bats, mice, cats crouching, and people kneeling. Make sure your proportions are correct. Start with drawing the basic shapes with a pencil and make sure to draw through. If you have a subscription to SVS look at Jake Parker's How to Draw Everything class...especially the last video. Once you have the form in light pencil, draw it in ink in a "freewheeling" way.
Great start! You could not have picked a better illustrator to emulate!
Hi, Joy.
Thanks for your comments and good tips. i should have put in my preliminary sketches. I do look at reference photos but am trying to learn how to exaggerate things to show more obvious expression. Quentin Blake's drawings with the huge noses and spaghetti arms don't follow real anatomy but sure evoke chuckles. I appreciate the guidance and will check out Jake's class.