Illustration Pod Casts
Thank you! I have this bookmarked for any new replies.
I have a backlog of podcasts now.
@evilrobot have you listened to the "Master of one" podcasts?
Thanks for all the podcasts people! I'm checking some of these out.
Here's one. It's not an illustration podcast, but I get inspired and pumped by Lewis Howes "School of Greatness" podcast.
This one has some mostly design related business advice mixed in with a lot of entrepreneurial stuff and interesting conversations. Sean Wes podcast. There are a lot of episodes.
These days I really love listening to Dave Rapoza on youtube
He talks about all kinds of stuff illustration, concept art, games, movies and he is a phenomenal draftsman. There are also some critique sessions. You will not beleive wht he can do
In the video link I provided he talks about his career, really inspirational. It will give you energy back on those bad days -
Great new episodes of the Picture Booking Podcast are up
Here are some podcasts I found today. (They are from a few years ago.): --an interview with Jake Parker, Ty Carter, Ryan Woodward, David Dibble and Moroni Taylor about the animation process. --an interview with Mark and Caralyn Buehner, illustrator and author of the Snowmen at night series talk.
And -- interviews fine artists Cassandra Barney and Brian Kershisnik. -
DId anyone already mention "The Moth" here?
I became completely addicted to it a few weeks ago, and I have been listening for hours on end - while painting of course.
A friend of mine said that if I like The Moth I would also like an old radio show: News from Lake Wobegon".And indeed I am loving that one too!
Hi everyone,
I came across a few more good illustration podcasts recently.
Reviving this thread in case anyone is interested! (I've enjoyed lots of the podcasts linked above after browsing the recommendations here
Descriptions quoted from their Apple podcast summaries:
Black, White, Grey and science-fiction illustrators Micah Epstein and Tommy Arnold team up to talk about illustration and artistic development in this bi-monthly podcast. "We don't believe in talent; we don't believe in pencil mileage. We do believe in getting better, faster, using only the best methods we can find."
The Illustration Department Castellano talks to folks in illustration, animation, and other creative fields about the ups and downs of their careers.
Jacky Winter Gives You The Business Winter Gives You The Business is a weekly podcast with two very important goals:
To dissect the challenges, processes, and happenings of the creative industries by engaging with a diverse network of A-grade creatives, using our unique position as the bridge between clients and creatives as our lens.
To get sponsored by Squarespace.
As Producers at Jacky Winter — a creative production and artist representation studio based in both Melbourne, Australia and New York City — hosts Jeremy Wortsman, Lara Chan-Baker and (sometimes) Bianca Bramham bring with them a unique global perspective as the connective tissue between clients and creatives, facilitating the realisation of commercial projects of all shapes and sizes. Joined by special guests from all corners of the industry landscape, they deep dive into the ideas, issues and insights driving the many moving parts of the creative ecosystem. Every week, they each bring a link they’ve come across in their internet travels, and use that as the jumping off point to debate what’s shaping the current climate of ideas and making those ideas happen.
It's an ongoing exploration of what the hell we’re all doing and why and how we’re doing it.