Jack's Concept Art
@Jack-B Welcome! Wow, your sense of atmosphere, light and scale is really wonderful. I love those dinosaur paintings, you are doing such good/advanced stuff, especially for your age, very impressive!
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Thanks, I love that one as well.
@Russ-Van-Dine Thank you! I will be posting more for you to love soon
@natiwata Thanks so much! I have been really trying to push myself to learn as much as I can before college. I just don't want to get stuck in my learning. I am hoping to continue growing every day! Let me know if you see anything I can work on.
Here is a video of my process, I started with a photo base of a local baseball field and went from there. Let me know if anyone has any questions about my techniques.
Not exactly concept art, but a drawing of one of my friends game characters.
do you draw on a wacom or a cintiq?
I draw on a Wacom Intuos tablet.
I hope to someday save up enough money for the Wacom Cintiq though!
I was very lucky to get on ebay for 800 bucks from a business that was bankrupt. They had about 16 of them and the one I bought had a scratch on it... so I got it cheap. When it came in the mail I discovered the scratch was on the plastic cling protector. So, perfect condition and cheap!
I always wanted a cintiq but to pricey, when my computer started to die i decided to go with a surface book and love it. Computer and tablet all in one and I am not stuck in my office when I want to draw.
@Russ-Van-Dine Thats awesome, so you suggest just keeping up with local ebay sales and such?
@Chip-Valecek Thats awesome, I was looking at the surface vs ipad pro with the apple pencil. Do the surface tablets allow pen pressure?
@Jack-B yes the surface pro 3, 4 and book do. I have the book which is more like a laptop. I used to have a monoprice 19 inch tablet monitor which is a cheap version of the cintiq. It was ok. But the surface feels better when drawing.
@Jack-B I have never seen one at such a low price since. I would like to upgrade to the model that doesn't have to connect to a computer...
I would definitely have a surface book if I didn't have the cintiq...
@Chip-Valecek If you rest your hand on the screen when drawing with the pen does it mess with anything? Thats another thing I tend to do haha
@Jack-B I don't think so, but i usually wear a glove because I can not stand smudges on the screen. So i got a pair of stretchy knit gloves and cut the thumb, index, and middle finger off. Works great and cheap compared to the gloves that wacom sells. I know Will Terry puts a towel under his hand so it moves more freely across the screen.
@Chip-Valecek You are the best dude! Thanks for the recommendations!
Wow! Looks like you will do very well and I've heard they have a great program at BYU
Thats great to hear, and thanks for the wonderful comment