Thinking about making Comics
So I've been thinking about comics lately and I've been developing multiple stories (over a few years now). I'd like to make them into comics in the near future - maybe when I graduate [ from Highschool, next year ], but I've got a TON of questions. I watched Jake Parker's Comics class, but it didn't answer everything on my mind. It'd be awesome if you guys could help me out.
(Ideally, I'd like to have my stories to be printed in 6 x 0.3 x 9 (inches) book size (kind of like the Sonic Select books), or somewhere around there, I'm not too picky.)
- If I draw it digitally, how big should the canvas be? What file type? (I usually use .png)
- If I were to draw it on comic paper, what are the guidelines around the edges for, how do I use them? I didn't fully understand that part.
- How should I go about drawing the panels? I can never seem to get the lines straight.
- How should I go about getting this published? This is the most confusing part for me. Ideally, I'd love to have it published so more people than just me would be reading it.
- If I get it published, are my characters protected? I've been developed them for awhile and I don't want them to be stolen or anything.
Any other tips and suggestions would be great.
I've never done anything like this and it's pretty scary. Thank you all!