Astrid - from sketch to final piece
Nice! It has a great feeling about it!
whahaha LOL! its great!
Very clever!
I like seeing the whole process. looks awesome!
Very very well done, they only thing I would do it put the cat above her. Other wise great job so far keep it up.
This will be cool!!! The cat seems perhaps a little symmetrical in terms of it's position in the overall composition. I'm wondering if you could create more of a focal triangle by pushing the craft to left and the cat more over Astrid. Pushing the craft left would help balance the piece and offer some visual white space between the open door and Astrid.
@Rowan-Ferguson: Well, composition is still black magic to me
I was really just focused to get a focal point on Astrid. But! I have seen some video on balancing the composition so maybe next time.
Concerning my progress... I made like a milion color studies...even with my colored pencils...and end up with this. I just cant get it right, but I am sticking to this one as I am not able to do it better. I just hope I will save it when I get into details and paint over it.
Whats worse... it almost looks better without shadow
@Jiří-Kůs First of all I love this concept - the fish ship is so clever and my favorite part of your design here. My thought on the shadow is that the cat is above her but still somewhat behind where she is standing. So I am not sure the shadow would be cast over part of her. Maybe it is only on the ground sneaking up to her back foot but leaving her in the light in the foreground?
The characters are just amazing in this!! And yes, your craft is a character! The shadow is throwing me off, It seems like it should be on Astrid or the ship, but over both makes the hovercat too close to Astrid or the ship too small.. The shadow is shortening the distance between Astrid and her ship in my mind.
Thanks both, I guess i will have to do something about that shadow
Well, I think I am done, I will have one more look at it tomorrow...
Ooooh...that did the trick! Now it looks like there is distance and the cat is sneaking up on her. The colors are magnificent!
Very Cool!
very nice!
very well rended.