Lates wip plaing with ink
The cute little guy is my grandson
Very nice @Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen
Cool background and reflection in the sunglasses as well
The only thing I would think of the next time you draw children (or women) is that the lines / creases between the mouth and cheek usually make the subject look more mature (older). You can hint to these lines (from the nostrils to the edge of the mouth), but drawing one continuous line makes your grandchild look older than he is. The same goes for the line between the mouth and the chin. Just something to consider on your next drawing
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Cool design concept! I echo what @Camomilla has mentioned - generally it is better to avoid all kind of lines on children and young women. Sometimes even nostrils and nose wings are only hinted.
@Camomilla Good points. Thank you!