Procreate Brushes
I tell you file transfer to my Ipad pro is frustrating enough to make me want to stab myself in the face....aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........I purchased some cartoon inking brushes and I can't for the life of me get them onto the Ipad or into procreate they were sent to me in a zip file at about 16MB. I can get it to my ipad but can't unzip or get it out of my email folder over to procreate. Any help would be great. Thanks. I guess if you are on a PC apple just wants to frustrate you so bad you go buy a mac,.
@evilrobot I had to use the "Izip" app to unzip a file a long time ago - it worked if I recall correctly - got it on iTunes
Thanks but that didn't work either.
@evilrobot ok..sorry bout that - can you unzip on your PC and drop them into Dropbox - this link has some info - And great brushes on that site too
@Kevin-Longueil thank you. All that trouble and the problem was I didn't have the Dropbox app on my iPad. Lol... again thanks for help Kevin:)
can you unzip them on the comp and put them in icloud? then open them in app and they should show up