Hey all! Welcome to the first weekly sketch jam. So here's how it works: I'm going to post some prompts for this week to get us started, but please feel free to post prompts in the comments below. When you find one you like, you've got up to two hours to sketch it (no cheating!) and then post it here. You can ask for feedback, but you don't have to if you'd rather not.
It's more fun if we've got a lot of prompts, so if you want to post prompts, just type in bold PROMPT: so that we can see it.
Also, please let us know that you're taking part this week as a sketcher or watcher (watchers can post prompts too!). YOU DON'T HAVE TO START RIGHT THIS SECOND - YOU CAN SUBMIT YOUR SKETCHES ANY TIME WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS (I like to draw late at night, so I'll be submittiing after dinner).
So let's have fun!
- Along came a spider
- Animal totem
- Uh, oh!
- Oh no, I shouldn't have eaten that...
- Rage
- Fairies got into in the garden again
- Mech astronaut
- Robot dog
- Lost in the woods
- All Hallows Eve-
- Playtime!
getting started now!
@Eric-Castleman Me too!
Need overtime
@Eric-Castleman haha me too - my dog kids literallly have not let me have 5 minutes of sketch time.
Something I would not have normally sketched! Quite fun
Uh-oh - that was not 2 hours, I am afraid.
@smceccarelli wow!
I failed. Still going to finish my piece though.
@Eric-Castleman hah well at least I'm not the only one! I actually did a couple of pieces but was too embarrased to upload them!! I'll take pics tomorrow and upload them though - argh!