Day 1:
Day 2:
@Lee-White Awesome, love the cat, the contrast and texture.
Day One Eleven from Stranger Things
Day Two Mike Walkie Talkie, Stranger Things
The purpose of this challenge is to gain confidence in mark making and hone draftsmanship with ink. My challange is to do 30 micro portraits using 005 fine liner on 1.5 x 2 inch post-it note pad. The reference photos are from a collection of small yearbook photos from the 1950's I found in my parent's closet. Here are days 1-3.
Love seeing all the different work! keep 'em coming!! : )
@Lee-White I like how you've been handling ink in a similar way as to how you handle your watercolors. For some reason, I don't tend to think of ink being done in that way, so this is refreshingly expanding my mind towards ink usage. Thanks!
O my gosh, just saw this thread, am adding my day 1....
day 2.... almost done with day 3
Day 3
@QuietYell Thanks! I think in terms of tone and not really in line. I've always been more comfortable painting than drawing. Glad you like the approach. It's a monotype in ink which is a blast to do!
@Lee-White so do you pick out of the wash with a brush/rag/sponge/etc. wet with water or are you using non-water-soluble ink and do it some other way? Similarly, do you thin out your ink? I'm familiar with gouache and watercolor, but are there any things to consider when doing this with ink?
I think I tend to create based upon line, but I think I am ultimately more of a painter than drawer — maybe I'm just stronger at painting than drawing currently; though, I am in the process of pushing my drawing. Interestingly, I am wanting to do more tone/shape/volume based "drawing" rather than line based drawing. Generally, I block-out the shadow areas by drawing their boundaries with lines then fill, but I think it would be advantageous to create the image from toned areas and no lines.