@Charlie-Eve-Ryan said in MAIN INKTOBER IMAGES:
@audrey-dowling Love this one with the girl and the shirt around her waist. Awesome linework!!
thanks @Charlie-Eve-Ryan . it encourages me because I still feel so bad and uncomfortable at inking! my pencil sketch always looks better
I have a hard time stopping treating the pen as if it was a pencil -
No 3 - Social Media
@markoman Very striking conceptual illustration!
I just noticed this- here are days 1-3, I'm still waiting to hear if my day 4 is too graphic to post here:
Great work guys!
Day 4!
Inktober #5 from the day job.....
Inktober2016 Jake Parker's prompts, day 1 Fast, day 2 Noisy, day 3 Collect, day 4 hungry
@Susan-Szecsi Nice work:)
Last year I did every day of inktober, but we're so busy that I'm aiming more at once a week this time. I'm also trying to practice perspective with buildings and vehicles, (two things I really need to work on) so I'm drawing some of the local businesses around our town. This first one is one if our local food trucks. It's a bit messy and just in my sketchbook, so I might use the idea to do a more refined version later. It's ink and watercolor.
@smceccarelli Thanks! It's really fun to draw whatever comes in my mind.
@evilrobot Thank you!
@corykerr Great work, the detail and shading on that hand on the record really gives it life.
My Day 4 drawing:
Dustin from Stranger Things. This one was tough and got away from me entirely, esp. the hair. lol Day 4, in catch up mode. I may try him again later this month.
I didn't realize we were all going to be putting our inktober images on the same post. Here are my four...

'Sad' - 5/31
Ink5 hotrod