What should I consider?
Up above is me working on my website. I'm thinking of making some wallpapers for phones just to get my artwork out there and really for fun. I've seen some illustrators do it. I even made a fancy mockup back in illustrator. How I did it, is make I a link in dropbox and link it to a word on my site. I have my website down in the corner so I have credit. I haven't published on my site because I'd like to ask you guys the question...
What else should I consider?
It's not like I'm a famous artist, but I've heard of people going through the trouble to call artwork there own when in reality they're cons. Is this brilliant? If so, what else should I make for this? Is this idiotic? If so, should I scrap the idea for now? When or if should I come back to it then? Do any of you have experience or thoughts?I'm welcome to any and everything the forums say on this thread. Thank you!
@Ben-Migliore It`s an interesting idea that I have never heard before, but I am not sure I understand it. How would you use this? Would you put it on your website and call attention to using it as a wallpaper?
I can take any image from the internet and use it as a wallpaper for my devices, without the artist having to mention it or call attention to it. Actually, I currently have a Peter De Seve image as wallpaper on my iPad - so I am not sure in which sense this is different than just publishing your images online - once they are out there they are out there and can be used in any way. With or without your name - but that is something you cannot control. Some people go to great length to publish only low res images - which of course is going to make every art director shake their heads and move on to the next artist.
In general, the whole worry about people copying your images or misattributing them is misplaced energy. It's difficult enough for the original artist to gain traction for his/her art and even more difficult to make money out of it. The only reason to go after a con is if this person is making a lot of money out of your work and not giving you your share. While this is not unheard of (especially in the prints market), it is very unlikely to happen. With google image search nowadays is extremely easy to find the originator of a piece of art, no matter how often it was reposted. I remember one of the rules of social media (as I studied them for corporate marketing): "If someone steals your content, thank them!". -
On my old website i made images available for wallpaperps for phones, ipads and desktop patterns for computers.
They are not difficult to create and part of the reason we are artists is to share what we create.