Yiynova tablet monitor - received and trying out
I ordered a yiynova 20" and have been playing with it a little for the last week.
I'm using the software Clip Art Pro, trying photoshop and will try another couple titles as well.
The build quality of the Yiynova is OK and the documentation is minimal.
The cables that come with the Yiynova to hook up to the iMac do not fit very tight in either the Yiynova or the iMac. This has led to a problem with the Yiynova losing the connection to the iMac. I have tried the cables with other computers and it is the same issue so the the problem is not the computer but the cables.
Panda City, the USA distributor has excellent tech support. In the middle of a Saturday afternoon I posted a question on their facebook page and received not only a reply in 2 or 3 minutes but also spent half an hour troubleshooting. Very, very good support. They offered to overnight a new cable at their expense.
The only problem I have with the Yiynova is the hassle of connecting/disconnecting the cables. I don't have room to keep it on the desk connected all the time since I need to use my computers for other purposes. Combine that with the usable screen real estate when using Clip Art Pro and the available room is about equal to what you would have available on an iPad pro. The iPad pro has no setup space or cabling.
Now, I need to decide if I return the Yiynova and buy an iPad pro.
Thats is an interesting review I have considered an Yiynova and ipad pro so this has really helped.
@jimsz thanks for sharing your experiences!
This may not aid you with your immediate decision, but just FYI:
From MacRumors: "Rumors suggest Apple may be working on a feature that would pair the iPad Pro with a Mac, allowing the iPad Pro to be used as a Cintiq-style drawing tablet." (You'll see this text highlighted in yellow with a link as you scroll down the page: https://www.macrumors.com/roundup/ipad-pro/)
Of course, there are some things to consider here:
- This has to do with the upcoming iPad Pro 2, not the existing one (And, the iPadPro2 maybe announced in October? June at the earliest, which is why this may not help your immediate decision)
- We cannot know how comparable it will be to the Cintiq/Yiynova
- It costs a bit more than a Yiynova
- Astropad already does this
Anyway, thanks again - it helps to know about your Yiynova experience!
To throw a spanner in the works, so-to-speak, I'm intending on buying a Huion GT-220 v2 (to be used with my Mac). I have researched this stuff endlessly, because I'm poor but also because I am cheap
And aside from a couple of potential issues during setup, it seems to be a decent contender for the Cintiq. Do I think it will ever match up completely? Nope, but then I'm not envisaging any circumstances that would facilitate me dropping that kind of cash on a tablet, unless I have a long-lost rich uncle somewhere.
My thing with the ipad, that I think would be a huge deal-breaker for me, is the lack of... ugh, what's the word I'm looking for? I feel like I want to say parallaxing? The thing where the tablet knows where your pen is hovering above the tablet. The ipad doesn't have that. So I think it would take a great deal of getting used to. I had a play with my daughter's Air, and it was an issue for me.
@Rapteev It's actually not an issue at all! I don't know how to explain it either, but drawing of the Ipad pro feels SO much better than on the cintiq. In fact I HAD a Cintiq and sold it because I didn't touch it after getting my Ipad pro! And I think you can't compare the Ipadpro with the I pad air... I did try to draw on a air once and it's not the same thing!
@jimsz I would definitely go with the I pad pro! Also for you space issue, the I pad pro takes NO space... it's definitely more portable than the Yiynova. But if you really want the 20 inches screen then maybe it wont work.
Hope this helps!
@Rapteev said in Yiynova tablet monitor - received and trying out:
My thing with the ipad, that I think would be a huge deal-breaker for me, is the lack of... ugh, what's the word I'm looking for? I feel like I want to say parallaxing? The thing where the tablet knows where your pen is hovering above the tablet. The ipad doesn't have that. So I think it would take a great deal of getting used to. I had a play with my daughter's Air, and it was an issue for me.
The iPad Air and the iPad Pro are two entirely different products. I tried a stylus with a regular iPad befor the pro was released and did not like it at all. The Pro, is actually really nice. My issue with it is the cost.
@Rapteev The iPad Pro is probably the best digital drawing and painting tool out there at the current moment in terms of price/quality ratio. I have been using a Cintiq since nearly 3 years, and an Intuos 4 before that - I don't think I even noticed the lack of "hover" of the iPad - the iPad Pro feels closer to a pencil and sketchbook feel than the Cintiq...and obviously pencil do not have a "hover" effect either
You cannot compare with any other iPad - it's just a completely different thing.
It's not perfection by all means - but it comes quite close....
@NoWayMe - I am not sure which app you are using, but the iPadPro pencil feels much better than the Cintiq because of the better brush engine of ProCreate compared to Photoshop (if you are using ProCreate). If you use the pencil with another app, it's not the same thing.
If you use the Cintiq with ClipStudioPaint it also feels better than Photoshop - again it's the brush engine. With ClipStudioPaint, the Cintiq feels like the iPad. -
Hmm, perhaps I've been a bit premature in judging the iPads as being equal (for drawing purposes, at least). It did bother me with the Air (well, it's an Air 2, but I digress...) because the accuracy of where the pen was hitting the page was ever so slightly off, so I wasn't 100% sure where it was going to "land", for want of a better word. Now I need to try an iPad pro!
I love my Yiynova, BUT I generally keep it and my computer (Macbook Pro) on my desk, all connected and set up. I haven't had any problem with the cables staying in, and when I do take my computer elsewhere It has been easy enough to plug back in. However, If I had your situation, I'm not sure I would love it as much. I hope you find something that works for you!