Heres the little Illustration I did for MerMay. Its done in Photoshop with some mix of brush textures
I wanted to create a Merboy with his Octopus friend. They are swimming around one day and found a buried treasure in the sand full of toys!Happy MerMay everyone
This is fun! Here is a quick illustration I made for Mer-May: " The Mermaid Who Fell In Love with a Sailor". She was inspired by a renaissance woman painting. Happy weekend everyone
Here is the sketch and final rendering for the first mermaid I created for Mermay. This is mostly an exercise for me to get used to using a wacom tablet. Second mermaid piece should be finished soon.
Here's my shot at it. The Mermaid meets the Rat
@evilrobot this is awesome! any tutorial on painting like this? it looks watercolourish
The process tutorial is here:
You can download the background texture here it's at the bottom of the page:
You can download the brush I used here: turned the water color background into a seamless texture and followed the process in the video using it as the texture for the group file. Then I put a copy of the texture on the bottom layer for a background.
@evilrobot Love this it took me a while to get the joke,but really funny and so well painted.

Heres my entryhad loads of fun. took me a few attempts before I came out with this result.
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Hi everyone - First post! Mer-Borg!
@abewitz1 Resistance is futile!
@Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson & @Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Thanks very much!
@lilyhosegood I love how soft your piece came out. The subtle glow is nice too. Very beautiful.
@abewitz1 This is a super cool concept!!!
@visualkid Yikes! She's a scarey looking one
Nice glowing.
@abewitz1 Very creative idea
@lilyhosegood Wow! Really beautiful!