Environment Workbook Exercises
very nice Steve! I love the proportions and values
@Steve-Young This is really great. I think you should push it to a finished painting. Add color, details and all that good stuff
or some story-telling elements.
You guys have nice things going on here. I watched this class and it was really enlightening, but I have difficulties in thinking about shapes and silhouettes. Do you guys have any tips on being loose with coming up with shapes for things?
@joyce_carmo Yeah... just do it. If you do 5, carry on and do 10, then do 50. If you force yourself past the trap your brain is setting you to hold you back, you'll break past it and start being creative. Also, work quickly and don't let your inhibitions hold you back.
@Steve-Young These look fantastic Steve! Really well done!! Man I'm feeling like a slacker
lol. I would maybe vary the height on the center sail for variety and make it taller and maybe break the top horizon line a bit.
@Ace-Connell thanks for the tips. I still have to work on the exercises of this workbook, but I'm kinda trying to put the lessons of this class on use in some of my Inktober drawings.
@Jiří-Kůs said:
@Steve-Young This is really great. I think you should push it to a finished painting. Add color, details and all that good stuff
or some story-telling elements.
i would love to but I am busy with so many other projects, it might be something i can do in the future.
@audrey-dowling Thanks, I did think about them as I drew the image.
@joyce_carmo said:
You guys have nice things going on here. I watched this class and it was really enlightening, but I have difficulties in thinking about shapes and silhouettes. Do you guys have any tips on being loose with coming up with shapes for things?
My best tip, is draw random shapes that interlink, then try and make something out of them.
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Thanks, your probably right regarding the sail, if I find any time I'll fiddle with it.
Hey Steve, very nice that you are doing all this work. Really good stuff in here.
One note, watch out for keeping your vanishing points too close together. Especially in environments. It makes objects like building distort heavily and makes your life much harder.
Also, many of your vanishing points on the right side don't seem to line up very well.
I did a quick draw over to show how pulling the vanishing points way outside your image area will calm down the angles and make the building have a more natural appearance.
Let me know if you have any questions about this. : )
@Lee-White Thanks Lee, I did an eye ball for the perspective for the initial sketch, then more or less traced over that without too much care. Ill be careful in future. Your analysis was quite insightful, thanks again.
exercise 05, subjective thumbnail studies
I have no idea how I did...
it was all done on the intuos tablet, which I'm really not used to for drawing
shape building (i won't finish it)
@audrey-dowling Your doing very well, i am impressed!
I think the left vanishing point changes when it's half way up the front of the house and makes the beam under the clock seem slightly off? I'd draw over it but I'm laid in bed, so I may be wrong lol.
yes Ace, I saw that beam too late and I was too busy (or lazy? hum) to fix it ^^
thanks Steve! -
@audrey-dowling I'm always too 'busy' to fix things