Might we ever have a class on JUST doing thumbnails?
@tessw Great advice. I was thinking that if I knew perspective better it would help. Lee White suggested I take the light and shadow class. I never saw the videos on the creative composition class! I have a bunch of workbooks I'm trying to finish and that is one of them. I'm actually on the 25 thing assignment and it's a little tough to get going. I'm going to look for the videos you were talking about. I think that might be very helpful! Thanks!
Let's set a date for a thumbnail challenge! We could start on a Monday and then reveal the next Monday. I'm going to be gone from this Tuesday until the 25th so maybe the week after that? Or after peoples kids get settled in school as that seems to be a challenge for many right now
We could start by reviewing the creative composition videos.......
@eric-castleman Thanks! Great ideas for thumbnailing! I actually did make it through some rough thumbnails last night but ...I still have a lot to learn actually on just drawing, perspective, lighting, etc. Deep breaths and move forward. Really appreciate your input and encouragement, Eric.
Perhaps you are putting too much pressure on yourself in the early stages of your book. The first thumbnails only need to be rough and they are for planning the overall structure and flow of the picture book. I don't think you should be worrying too much about perspective at this stage although it is certainly good to work on the skills with that for later on if that is how you want the book to look. It's more about design and composition. I hope this is OK to mention, but I see lots of picture books which don't seem to use perspective very much and they are still very effective at telling a story in an entertaining way for Children.
Hi Marsha, It seems you are struggling with a lot of the basic stuff covered in early illustration training. I would recommend taking a real class in illustration. Either a brick and mortar school like a local university, or the Illustration 1 class at svs which david Hohn and I teach. We cover a lot of these things and can clear up most of the problems you are having in your early development process for projects/books, etc.
@christine-garner Thank you.
@lee-white Thanks. I am enrolled in a couple of classes this fall-2D Design and a watercolor class-not necessarily ilustration foundations but, the 2D design might be helpful to me, I think. I looked at the Illustration 1 class but it looks like it has already started on July 11th to Sept 5th? I will be gone quite a bit in July and August so it would be hard to take it at that time. Will it be offered again? If so, when? Thanks. Also, is it mainly coming up with ideas for images ?
Here are some thumbnails I did. Think I'm getting it?
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen Thumbnails are basically a step to try a bunch of stuff out. If you are able to do that, then you are getting it.The big step is doing a lot of variations on a single image. If you just go with what you did for the first thumbnail, then more are needed.
Yes definitely on the right track
I found a SCWIBI article on this subject that I think is relevant to your topic and might help you (I thought I should brush upon this stuff as well because I'm working on a personal project which could be a book but I'm still in very early stages)http://www.wordsandpics.org/2013/08/picture-book-basics-sketches-and-layout.html
I found this article through this blog post: http://thebigbadbook.com/thumbnails-and-storyboards/Here's another tip: I found out that sometimes the thumb-nailing stage is called "picture book story-boarding" so you might find more tips looking for that word or variations of it in Google.
@christine-garner Great links! I put a lot of notes in the margins of my storyboards, too!
@christine-garner Thanks! I will check that out!
@lee-white Right! And, at least there is something to start with!
@lee-white scheduling has been a problem for me for both offerings to date as well--will this class be available to subscribers after it ends?
@bichonbistro hate to say that it won't be available to general subscriptions. It is a class that totally relies on the back and forth between the student and instructor. It's not really a "demo" type of class like a lot of the videos are
@lee-white thanks lee, will try to catch an offering next summer