Hello! New here!
Welcome! Love your work, it's really well done.
@eliza-blythe welcome to SVS! Glad you decided to join us all over here.
Welcome to the forums!
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!!
Welcome Eliza! You'll find lots of helpful, people here!
Hello, nice to meet you
@Doodleworx Thank you!!
@rcartwright Hi there! Nice to meet you too!
@eliza-blythe Hi and welcome from East Texas!
hello Eliza nice to meet you I love your gallery i followed you on artstation.
Hi Eliza, Welcome! I'm fairly new here too; still trying to discover a style of my own. Good luck with your progress. I also followed you on ArtStation. Cute stuff! - H
Hello! I'm also pretty new. Congrats on finding your style. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
@Tyson-Ranes Thank you from Ohio!!
@DOTTYP Hello! Nice to meet you as well! I followed you also!
@harveywalls Thank you and good luck to you too! I followed you as well!
@bnewman Thank you so much!!