First time sending postcards. Should I expect response?
Hi guys,
I'm going to be sending out my first illustration postcards EVER this week. Super excited! I'm sending 200 total to different magazines and publishers (big and small ones) around the country. I know that the vast majority of them will not respond back to me immediately, but out of 200 will at least 1 or 2 companies respond back within the next month? I need some money now lol What are your experiences with postcards?
P.S. If you wanna follow me on IG, it's @InsideAaronsMind
Here is the post card btw lol Yes, it is political, but that's just what I draw.
Hey @Aaron-E-Davis This is cool I really like this, I haven't sent out any postcards as of yet so I can't say, but I hope you have a sucessful run with these postcards.
@aaron-e-davis I like the political approach - maybe being provocative will elicit some reaction! As for my side, I have sent/given out probably around 300-400 postcards so far, without ever having a single response....
As of today, work comes to me through direct contacts and social media.... -
The response will depend on many factors. How targeted/specific is your list? Is it a single mailing or a 1 of mailing?
If you are looking for editorial work political samples would probably be fine. If you are looking for general work, taking a political stance could alienate half of your potential clients.
I'm in the exact same boat as @smceccarelli - I think around 300 total between mailings and a conference I attended, and not a single response.
The one contract that's come my way has been through good ol' fashioned networking (through a course I took online).
That's not to say that you won't get a favourable response though - I think it's all about timing, and a bit of luck. If your postcard happens to hit the desk of an art director who connects with your work AND right then has a project in mind you'd be great for, then you're set.
Good luck! -
This post from Giuseppe Castellano (Art Director at Penguin) gives some great insight on Postcards. And as others have mentioned, it is very rare to hear back from postcards. And probably even more so if this is only your first time sending. They recommend sending them 3-4 times per year as a general rule of thumb.
And while they might not reach out to you right away, if the art catches their eye they can hang onto the postcard and refer back to it/you when they get a project they feel you could be a good fit for.
Thanks everyone! Like I said, I know its an extremely low response. I was just trying to make sure I set my expectations properly before sending these off lol hopefully everyone can find work with the next couple mailings.