Hollow Daze: inktober
Holy... night
Amazing work as always
your work always makes me grin!
@Lynn-Larson i'm so glad to hear that. thanks Lynn
@Naters-Calderone The rendering on that Christmas tree looks awesome!
So sweet
Knock Knock
That's not good
- Arise!
- Arise!
I hope you've enjoyed my inktober. if so, you may want to follow my blog or friend me on facebook, i do a daily drawing, competitions and other fun art stuff.
https://www.facebook.com/naters.art -
@Naters-Calderone Kudos! That is quite a feat. I pooped out not even halfway through.
@shinjifujioka thanks. it was a really fun challenge. I can't wait to scan, edit, and plug them into the book.