December Illustration Contest: Star Wars
Monster Wars! I decided to invert BB8's colors just for more of a pop of color. 0_1513753428656_monsters starwars.jpg
"What's that R2? Chewbacca is stuck in the well?!" These Droid Doggos will be your loyal friends and companions wherever you go.
In case anyone doesn't recognize that fourth one, Missy-6 is MSE-6, aka a Mouse Droid. They can be found puttering around Imperial ships, humming to themselves... at least until a Wookie gets on board and scares them away.
@StudioHannah that is brilliant!
@eli Heehee, thanks
I’m not sure if I took this one too far... but I got a little excited. Does a poster style mashup with Labyrinth count? I did a few more than 4 characters.
@pamela-fraley A great take on the characters and extra marks for the worm yoda
! A star wars/ labyrinth mash up would be awesome
@gary-wilkinson thank you! I’m glad to know there’s at least someone who appreciates it.
@pamela-fraley Awesome Mashup!!
Elemental Star Wars! Made each character out of different earth elements. 100% Organic!
Wanted to join in the fun. Star Wars set in the American Civil War.
@nfergason Nice work--the Jabba is brilliant.
@eli thank you! I’m super happy with how he turned out.
My entry is Kylo Ren, C3PO, Princess Leia, and Padme Amidala as Inside Out characters(Size: 1200x1200 pixels)
Hello everybody!
This is my first work for SVS contest.
I worked with the idea of kids at school.
(I replied as a topic recently, sorry for that) -
This post is deleted! -
Hello! I'm Jason Rodriguez. Here's my submission.
After a life of watching star wars (mostly loving the furry creations of Lucas and not so much loving Jar Jar) and a few months of binge watching Mad Men with my wife... this is my submission.
This is not an official submission (since he does not have an SVS account), but my young son saw me drawing my entry and he wanted to share the love. He redeveloped 4 characters, but gave them each a different occupation. So, there is 'Crow-ba Fett', 'Lord Waiter' (with sage advice for his customers), 'BB-Fate' and 'Clue-Bacca'. Thanks for encouraging the creativity in him!
@jasondmcintosh tell your son this is awesome and keep at it!!!
@jasondmcintosh Tell your son these are great! Really clever and great humor!! Love them all, but most especially Lord Waiter!