Photoshop Newbie Question
Suddenly the brush won't paint. I've had this happen before when I have used it. I'm completely new to Photoshop and am doing a crash course to try and revise a piece I did as an assignment for the Turbocharging Your Creativity class. I am using an older version but not sure that matters. I can see the brush moving around but it won't make a mark. I'm sure it's some really simple silly thing I'm doing wrong... Help?
It could also be that you have something selected without knowing, you can deselect with ctrl+d. There is also the chance that your layer may be locked (although it would usually say if it is and you tried to paint on it) or that you are painting on a mask layer. I'm guessing it's that you are selecting a couple of pixels.
@gary-wilkinson THANK YOU, I did have something selected and also couldn't get it unselected. You saved the day with your ctrl+d!!
@eli Don't worry I do it all the time. Usually I select something and click to deselect, but that just causes me to select something else