"Turbocharging Your Creativity"--Trouble with discussion board?!
There have been questions and posts on our class board for almost a week and no response whatsoever...Was getting worried but glad to see that at least Lee White is still alive, because he posted here on the forum! (Hoping David is still with us?!?) We are in the midst of a difficult assignment with homework due today and there isn't even a drop box for this week's work. Is there something wrong with the board?
Hey Eli,
Sorry for the delayed response this week. David and I were on assignment and I was also traveling and didn't have very good internet while I was gone. While it is a tricky assignment, the class did great though!
We are around now so let me know if you have any other questions at all.
Thanks, Lee! I just got worried something was wrong with the board and maybe it wasn't coming through. I got kinda freaked out about the assignment but then after I re-watched the videos, I figured it out. Thanks for getting back to me.