Behind the Scenes at
@pamela-fraley Wow! Thank you - it means a lot!
@gary-wilkinson Hey Gary - the critiques will come back - we just have so many classes we need to post up before we feel we can spend the time there. We've talked about outsourcing or hiring teachers to critique but that opens up a bunch of problems as well...I can't wait for the day that I have all my classes up/re-made so I can spend time helping students with their work.
Thanks for the explanation, Will! That makes sense. And any ideas I send your way are just suggestions, not expectations.I guess you can save all the different ideas in a wish-list to consider for when there are funds to make changes to the site. It seems like putting ideas and plans into action always ends up more complicated than you'd expect, right? I appreciate all your hard work, and wish you luck in your continuing efforts!
Did you see the one @Will-Terry did in February on facebook?
He did critiques on five illustrations submitted to a post here on the forums. -
@miriam I never knew about those videos, thanks so much Miriam!
It was fun to watch--you will enjoy it! -
@will-terry Thanks for the update, Will! Sounds like your plate is really full! I would love to take a Lee White live children's book class and in the meantime will just see what pops up for fall :-).
The critiques are definitely great as well, and I look forward to seeing more and hopefully having something to submit.
I tell friends about SVS as well, so if you ever get more subscribers from Italy, could be that it's working!
Thank you all - so much - for what you do. Coming to this site after devouring the information you put out to help us novice illustrators on YouTube, I was surprised to find such a helpful forum open to the public. I'm hopeful that I'll have the extra $ for a subscription at some point soon, but until then, I know I'll continue to benefit and learn tremendously from the SVS forum and the other generous artists who post here. The fact that you don't need a subscription to participate here makes me grateful that people like you and Jake and Lee and others are actually out there, who care about making knowledge accessible even without a cost. I know my first children's book project has benefited from what I've learned from you all, and when it's out in the world, if any good comes from it, it'll be, in part, from you!
Thank you for everything you do. SVS has kept me going. Y’all are awesome. Every time I’m listening to something art related my 9 year old daughter says, is that will terry?
@lauraa we couldn’t do this without the word of mouth... thank you!