Here we go...
first time I try to entry a contest... Hi everyone from México!!
@lmrush thank you, btw your art is very lovely love the watercolor
@lucelfo thank you
@lefrog i like a good story and this one makes me giggle so hard.
@andina-subarja thank you
@amelia-bothe THAT FACE. This is so beautiful. I am in love with this.
@amelia-bothe This is amazing!
@lee-white does our name and user name need to be on the image itself? Like a signature? Or just within the e-submission form. (Hope I am making the distinction clear.)
Thanks so much for all ya'll do.
@lee-white Quick question: I'm having a hard time uploading my image, because it keeps coming out considerably bluer than it really is. (Here, you can see the difference between the first and last image: I really have no idea how to fix it!
I have to go out for a few hours, and am seven hours ahead of TN. Can you tell me when is the last moment for submissions? Thanks so much!
@amelia-bothe love this lion
Clay Horses Design - 'A Song Of Home'
Instagram: @clayhorsesdesign
Thanks for the fun challenge!
Misty McKeithen
Instagram: misty_mck