Where Are You From?
@burvantill Hmm I'm not sure why that is. Under the text box at the top there is a little symbol that says 'Add marker', have you tried that?
Hi, I'm from Doñihue (near to Rancagua City) in Chile (Wine, 33 miners, Neruda, Atacama Desert for references
Living on the road. Right now I'm in MN. In August we will be in Salt Lake City, Utah for a month, then Reno, NV for a couple of months, San Jose in December and Mesa, Arizona from Jan through March.
St. Augustine, FL
Melbourne, Australia. Moved around Oz(Aus), a lot.
Now just out of Tokyo, Japan. -
2020 Update. We're now in Grand Rapids, MN moving westward through the northern states
I am from Cape Town, South Africa
@Buddy-Skelton Palestine here
@rachy I went to college at Worcester Sixth Form! Lol. Im from Stourport-on-Severn.
Bonn, Germany, but originally from Osnabrück, Germany.
Hi Im from Piteå, a small town in the north of Sweden.
Hi everybody,
Not sure if this is a good idea, or not.
Moderators, feel free to delete it.
I'm not worried.Just thinking, this is a total disaster year for many people and businesses globally.
Usually, we don't need to do this.But, why not share a little illustration, I mean a small file size, showing a little love and compassion to each other.
We are illustrators.
You could add in your design, where you're from.
Sounds nice!Everybody okay with it?
Like this;
I live in Homer, Alaska. Beautiful but remote. I try to get down to SanDiego to visit my sister as often as possible.
Montreal, Canada!
I'm from Northern Ireland! Near Belfast
I did live in Cornwall, England for three years, but I'm back in NI again
Spring, Tx. Just north of Houston!
I'm in San Jose, California!
@Sara-Nilsson As soon as things open up for us, my husband and I will be going to sweden for a year and a half ! Nu, lära oss svenska med Duolingo. Vi ska bor i Stockholm där.
Kagawa, Japan ! Udon capital of Japan
@korilynneillo I lived in San Jose for 25 years! In Cambrian Park area. Right by Leigh High School if you know where that is.