SVS Online Portfolio upgrade?
I think this is a great idea. I would absolutely use this.
Thumbs UP
"It would enable us to share the portfolios with art directors at various publishing houses."
The best thing about this feature would be getting our work seen by the right people.Thumbs DOWN
"In addition there would be an "upvote" option on each image. Anyone logged in could see and up-vote your image(s). We could also hire software developers to create algorithms that would auto select images with the most upvotes to populate a gallery on the front of the page."
The worst thing about this is that it will turn a great forum into Facebook and Instagram. Instead of helping aspiring artists, those who are already known and their posts receive high interaction will get seen the most, while other good work gets buried. -
This is a great thought ...but it also sounds very much like DeviantArt, ArtStation, IllustrationFriday and a million other portfolio aggregation platforms. Maybe it would be a good place to start building a portfolio presence for people who are just starting to show their art - the wild world can be a little intimidating, and this is definitely a much closer-knit and supportive community. The big question is how you would drive and direct traffic and wether getting ADs to look at it really is the goal - or rather give students the opportunity to build and nurture a curated portfolio. The latter seems a pragmatic and worthwhile goal all by itself.
This is great! I would definitely use it if it has chances of being shown to art directors and editors.
Since I am not living in the USA and the illustrator can't make a living from doing children's book in my country, every chance to get more exposure is great.My only question is, will the portfolio show us as a student or as a professional? because I am wondering if the AD or editors will see us more like a student and not ready for professional work no matter how our portfolios look rather than someone to hire.
I just think this idea is inspired!
I look forward to that future email. -
I think this is a grand idea and will help many people.
My only concern is that it will just turn in to a lot of people just posting their everyday stuff in it and not curating their best work to display for the "long haul." I would suggest maybe capping either the total number of images allowed per user to maybe 10-20, or maybe put a limit on how often it can be updated, or some sort of limiter to prevent abuse and spamming of the system.
Whatever results from this though I feel will be great.
@buddy-skelton i totally agree
@will-terry "images with the most upvotes to populate a gallery on the front of the svslearn page" sounds especially helpful, it's so hard for new people to break through the clutter. A leg up from places like this could be great.
You bring up some great questions as do many who have already commented. This is what we needed so thank you - we have to have a good plan that we think will make the largest percentage happy -otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.
this sounds amazing and its something I would love!
@buddy-skelton what if someone wants to share a story? more than 20 images in a single style + misc. image in different styles? May be allow for uploading projects like Behance? where you can upload a single image or more to the same "folder"?
@heidigfx possibly collage multiple images into one image to "increase" your total number, kinda like comic book style. Or possibly if allowed through the system link to a personal website, image hosting site or other social media to see more works.
@buddy-skelton it's going to be kinda small but it's an option
For me, there would have to be a very real advantage to putting my work here over any other sites. That would come in the form of having confidence that art directors are looking here for new talent. For me that would be absolutely key, otherwise it ends up being just another portfolio site in a sea of others. I'd need to be convinced that the right people are seriously looking here and that this is a better way for me to gain exposure and/or feedback from them.
I think it's really good idea, it will be also so easy to look at all that amazing art I see people are making here.
@will-terry I think that’s a great idea, and I would definitely use it as long as the uploading process isn’t too cumbersome. SCBWI members have the option to upload to a gallery and the only reason I never update my gallery there is because the upload process is clunky and takes forever and I have to downsize all of my images in photoshop first.
Sounds amazing!
I would totally use it, be really nice to see everyone else's work in one place too.
As stated by others, I really appreciate the three of you even brainstorming this idea. As an SVSLearn and forum user, this just goes to show I’m in the right place. Also, the potential to show work to those in decision making positions helps us feel like we’re not screaming into the void hoping for a response to what’s ultimately a whisper.
With that said, here are my critical thoughts about the concept and thank you again for all you do:- Recommendation: If the gallery is based solely off of upvotes there should be a Founders Pick or a selection for an illustration that may not have received the votes to make the top “(whatever number)” bit is still worthy of recognition.
- Algorithm thoughts: Developers should build in a limit to one piece per user for that general SVS community top pieces. May help broaden the spectrum of styles and pieces/subject matter.
- Tags: Preset tags for different types of work produced I.e. concept art, children’s book illustration, sequential art
- User Portfolios: Limit the scope of the portfolio to a certain number to avoid the gallery rabbit hole built into other sites with unlimited offerings. Users must choose what to present. Say there are 12 images they’ve uploaded and the portfolio is limited to 10. Well then the user (maybe via community feedback/critique) must choose which pieces to show.
- Overall Purpose: would this feature be only for those taking courses on SVSLearn or to any user in the forum? Is the thought to show a representation of the SVSLearn users and the efffectiveness of the courses and program as a whole? Or is it to showcase the work of the community surrounding SVSLearn, the 3 Point podcast and other artists creators who’ve joined the forums?
I think this feature would definitely be a good addition.
Well if it's some way for me to have a portfolio then I'm all in, never had one.
Sounds like a great idea that you might be able to get members work into people who are looking to hire.I have only been here a few weeks but some.ofnthe work is phenomenal.