Photoshop cc 2019 Pressure sensitivity issue.
So I just upgraded to the 2019 CC programs I tried out the new Photoshop and there doesn't seem to be any pressure sensitivity just get the yellow exclamation mark by all my brushes. (I'm using a Cintiq 24 HD tablet on an HP Z800 computer running Windows 10 pro) 2018 version is still installed and pen pressure works. Anyone run into this problem and know a fix.
@evilrobot I have not run into this issue, but I am on the surface book so my drivers are from microsoft. Since you are using the cintiq you might want to mess around with turning off the windows ink stuff. I heard that could mess with the drivers the cintiq uses. The other thing you can try is to delete your wacom drivers and reinstall them.
Can confirm with @Chip-Valecek that turning off windows ink often fixes many problems.
Good luck
Thanks;) That was it.
Hello! I m having the same issue, could you tell me how to turn it off? I tried as I found online and it didn't work... Thanks!!!