Who is this Anna Daviscourt person?
Check it out, we're on SVS! Cross platform friendship, that's what this internet life is all about! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: -
Haha, I'm a southern belle in disguise!
Thanks for joining the Twitch crew, Laura! I'll definitely make it to Italy someday, and the same goes to you if you're in Portland. -
David!! Thank you so much, that means a lot!
@demotlj We're in the same boat. I'm also 61 and making books but not planning to be professional at this point. I have a daughter and three sons. 32, 29, almost 27 and almost 25.
Hello Anna,
I haven't seen your older class yet. I have been on the forums quite a while now. I have finished 3 books but am not a professional. I just self publish and print in small quantities. I work traditionally because the tech stuff overwhelms me but, maybe some day I will pause and try again. I am old. 61 years old, 4 kids and one cute grandson who is 5 years old. I am behin don my classes here-working through figure drawind and perspective especially. my husbanf and I live in a 5th wheel and travel and sometimes I can't watch classes or I use up too much bandwidth...or something like that. Hopefully I will have a chance to see your class down the line! I love to try and come up with characters so, it would be a lot of fun for me. I'm always learning new thingd here -
@AnnaDaviscourt Ha!
Maybe one day I'll make it to Portland again, but it has been years and right now it's all I can do to get to the nearer side of the US and visit my family. I can't complain too much, though, because I live in a lovely place!
That's a great skill to hone! There are some tricks that animators use to map out proportions and features. It's really hard to just wing it and for the character to look the same all the time! -
Hey Heather!
I think everyone feels the pull of different styles and work at some point. I think you should follow what you love the most and keep doing what you're doing! There are more and more artists creating their own market these days, so you never know where you'll find your place in the long run. -
It's all thanks to you! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: -
@AnnaDaviscourt Thanks for taking the time to do such a lovely introduction. I enjoy your work-and starting checking it out after Lee's shout-out. I'm interested in your character class--I think it might be a good fit for me this summer. I'm pretty new to this, leaning more toward comics than children's illustration-do you think the class would be applicable beyond children's illustrations?
Like you, I have dog-envy! My household isn't on board (yet!) and a person doesn't acquire a dog, the whole house does. We have 2 mature Bengal cats-which are a little like dogs but I would like some unconditional love on my timeline!
Like @demotlj (and my cats)-I'm mature in years. Improving my drawing and figuring out what I WANT to draw are the passions I'm cultivating as I edge toward retirement.
I'll check out your current class and what else you've got posted on the 'net.