@Syd-Lee Do you plan on selling this at your store -- I would totally buy a print of this.
Hi guys,
Judging will be this weekend. Great work on a fun and tricky topic!!
@BichonBistro wow, thank you do much! What a nice compliment!
@Lee-White I don’t envy the judges!
Oh, Wow! Thanks @BichonBistro You are spot on for what I was hoping to convey through this project. This one was a challenge for me both artistically, and emotionally. I think it was really good for me.
I really appreciate the input and insight
Thanks bunches!
@Squirrelsize I can’t imagine the challenge, but you certainly conveyed your intentions beautifully. Best to you (((
@Laurel-Aylesworth wow thank you! I will add it for sure
Judging will take place today! Can't wait to go through all the entries!
You're late @Lee-White. I've gathered the pitchforks and torches for everyone. We'll be at your door soon!
@JerrySketchyArt HAHA, I am late and there is a reason for that. I have decided to do a vido crit of all 58 pieces! Will be posted soon...
@JerrySketchyArt hehehe lol
@Lee-White Well then... Guess I'll just have to eat these pitchfork rental fees. That sounds insanely cool. Thanks!
@Lee-White wow! Really?! Dangit! I should’ve joined last month’s contest.
@Lee-White whaaat. That’s crazy but amazing, thank you.
@Lee-White this is amazing! Thank you, Lee/SVS Team
@Lee-White This is awesome!!! Those student crit videos are so valuable. Thank you for this unexpected treat!
@Lee-White Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this! It will be incredibly helpful.
@Lee-White Holy cow, that's so cool of you!
@Lee-White very cool!