Mermay Concept Thumbnails - Critiques Wanted
I like the idea of the figures looking in because it keeps the focus moving into (as opposed to away from) your design.I like the idea that they have conflict over a spear (maybe disguised as a writing device, like a pencil?.. which would "sell" your story of "tales" even more visually. Go!
@Laurasketches Oh, that might just nail the concept for a non-fiction book!!! Concept over craft, right?
And you take all credit for that idea! I'll definitely be taking both 1 and 2 into more thumbnails but you've put a twist on #1 enough to sway me in it's favor so far.
#2 has my vote!
@shinjifujioka Thanks, Shinji! Your illustration portfolio is so beautiful! Your illustrations are a rare mixture of innocence and adventure. While your style and techniques differ I think they evoke the same feelings/emotions of David Weisner's work.
I only had time to work up one thumbnail tonight. Thank you @Laurasketches - I really love this concept!
If I go with this concept I thinK I need to work on the scale of MERMAIDS vs TAILS and just the lettering layout in general.
Couldn’t help but tweak and doodle around with last nights work before moving on to a fresh one today.
New thumbnails for comparison.
Only the middle is drastically different; cred to @Laurasketches for the idea. I think it fits the book concept more and will be the one I take to comp though the other design may make it into the overall cover design - on the back perhaps?
@Amber-Lynn-Benton you could always do #1 as a back cover and # 2 as the front cover.
@chrisaakins I would agree. I think #2 is the strongest visually and story telling wise (it draws me in the most). It is telling me the story of 2 mermaids trying to write their version of the story.
#1 looks to me like it should be small on the back cover with a bunch of text. I think I would make it even more round, giving it an even stronger ying/yang feeling.
@Amber-Lynn-Benton Thanks, that's extremely generous to be compared to the likes of David Weisner.
I think your thumbnails are looking so good—can't wait to see more progress on it!