Uncle Carl Has a Chicken on His Head is ready to be published.
Hello! I'm excited to say that Uncle Carl Has a Chicken on His Head is finally finished! Now, I am trying to decide on how to go about self-publishing. I have a KDP account that I am thinking of using to create an e-book. Not sure if I will do KDP alone or KDP select. Need to look further. I am looking at Ingram Sparks for a POD option?
Does anyone have experience with these or any other self-publishing options? What have you used? Were you happy with them? I would like to keep it as simple as possible. I mainly want it out there for family and friends to be able to order ...if it goes further that's okay too
I have my own isbn numbers that I would like to use too. I am hoping that I can at least use it with Ingram Sparks. I think KDP has their own?
Thanks! -
I'm super excited about your new book!
I've self published 7 books through Kindle Direct Publishing or Createspace (What it was called before it was switched to KDP). I've been pleased so far with it, though I've not tried the e-books option. I've just had them print the paper backs. One thing I really like about KDP is that they post your book on Amazon so that any friends and family can search for it and purchase on demand.
When I publish a book, I'll usually have 50-100 copies sent to me from KDP to sell by hand to friends and family. I sell them for $12.00 and it cost about $4.00 - $6.00 roughly per book to it printed and shipped (depending on page count and weight). I usually make about $6.00 - $8.00 profit per book vs $3.00 in royalties from a book purchased directly from Amazon.
Yeah, KDP either gives you a free random isbn number or you can pick one, but last I checked it cost extra.
I hope this helps. Good Luck Marsha!
I second what @Squirrel-Size said. I used createspace which is now KDP. The only thing I found was on my proof books the color was much darker then I had on screen. So i had to go through at least two rounds of color correction to get it close to what I wanted.
@Squirrel-Size Thanks! It's nice to hear from someone who has used KDP. I still don't really understand the difference between KDP and KDP Select. It sounds like with SELECT you only publish through Amazon, and with KDP you can also sell through others? I wonder if I should skip the e-book option and just go for print books @Chip-Valecek , what did you do? Did you do an e-book?
Also, the scariest part to me is uploading the files correctly, etc. I had the help of a designer who has the files right now. How does he need to send them to me so that I can upload them? 600dpi or 300dpi? Is there a special format? What if I set it all up and the colors are off or something, like you mentioned, Chip? I have no idea hwo to fix something like that digitally.
Thanks so much for responding! Maybe it would be good for me to call them directly? Did you do that at all? Is there ever a cost for publishing?
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen no cost on publishing. When I did my book, I used InDesign to layout out the book and text. Then exported to PDF which is what at the time createspace required. I am not sure since they switched over to KDP if they changed anything as far as requirements. My first mistake was that I saved everything as RGB which made everything very dark. When I converted everything over to CMYK some of my colors went from blue to purple and looked crazy. I adjusted them all and sent for another proof, that proof was much closer to what I wanted. I tweaked one more time and went with that. Finished not Perfect.
@Chip-Valecek So, if I saved files as CMYK is that better? I'm thinking I will make some corrections to another book I self published (just had printed and sold myself) and upload that one too. I gave all my extra copies away when we moved into our fifth wheel. That was a mistake. I think I can sell some when I get to AZ and live in the Resort RV Park for a coupel of months. My boosk appeal to old ladies
Hopefully it doesn't matter if I've published it before. Since I am makin gsome changes. I guess I can sell it under a new isbn. I hope. I bought 10....what was I thinking?
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Yes I would convert to CMYK first before you upload anything, just to be safe.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks!
@KathrynAdebayo Thank you!
Well, we got the book uploaded and the cover for an e-book. Need to do some fine tuning and then make it available for POD! Woohoo! Finally, after about 4 years, I'm finishing it. Finished, Not perfect but hopefully each one will get better
Congrats Marsha!
@JerrySketchyArt thanks!