Just had to be the one unearthing old topics... because in 2021 this subject is all me. In fact it may be the core reason why I'm roaming here at SVS.
Not sure if my case is one of "transition" as I actually majored in art and design a long time ago, but of "fulfillment" since I've been at this crossroads of disconnection between what I currently do for a living and what holds meaning to my own self and my life, which is making illustrations, animations and dealing with creativity for the kids' market in general. I don't see myself restricting to children's books — I like to cast a wide net: 3D, 2D animation, mascot design, video editing — you name it.
The advice of thinking twice of jumping ship is spot on, specially if you are used to a biweekly paycheck rain or shine. The creative life is more often than not a life of uncertainty, and I'm well aware that if I finally take the plunge there's no turning back — I'm close to my 48th birthday, single and have hefty savings, but that doesn't make the decision any easier. Everything's sunshine and rainbows until you begin to run short on funds; I've already been there and can't afford to go back again.
Because I know my problem is one of time and energy availability to move further ahead, a part time position at my current job (IT) would be the ideal "golden ticket" to a smooth transition to the creative field. However that kind of arrangements are virtually unheard of in my local scene, even if according to a friend lawyer of mine they are technically possible. Probably the wisest move in my part is to wait past Christmas so as not to wreck my year bonus, to see what can be done.
Rest assured this episode struck many chords with me. Wish I had discovered it earlier.