Questions about portfolios
I agree with 12 though I did here Lee White once say in a podcast that 3 really good we’re better than having a lot not as good. So I’m starting with 3 but absolutely hitting 12!
What kind of portfolio are you doing?
The reason I ask is because I've just started my new portfolio for children's book illustrations (its still in the thumbnail stage) and plan on submitting it to a number of SCBWI conferences. Maybe we can team up and critique each always helps.
And Will has a great podcast about portfolios, so maybe take a peek and see if that helps you. -
@Nyrryl-Cadiz very helpful thank you! I hadn't considered showing a variety of ages
@Heather-Boyd I am going to aim for 12 but do them one at a time to make them as high quality as possible. I look forward to seeing your future work as well
@arent-draper I'd love that. Send me a private message on instagram @zachdrenski. And please don't judge the current posts on there too harshly
actually you can if you want
There is a great class for this! -
@Elinore-Eaton thank you!
@Zachary-Drenski I recently listened to the 3point perspective podcast about building a strong portfolio and here is Will Terry’s list (i just copied from the show notes). Hope this helps!:
Portfolio Perfection
100+ Things you need to include in your children’s book portfolio.
Formats and sizes: spot illustrations, vignettes, full page, spreads, room for text, covers
Color schemes: full color, black and white, monochrome
Ages: adults, teens, children, baby
Gender: girls, boys, men, women Race: asian, Indian, Hispanic, Caucasian, African
Groups Activities: families, friends, classmates, co-workers
Character Consistency: animals, humans, creatures
Animals: anthropomorphised: amphibians, mammals, fish, reptiles, insects, birds
Creatures: robots, dragons, monsters, aliens, ghosts
Vehicles: cars, trucks, busses, boats, planes, construction equipment, submarines, space ships Props: household items, garage, kitchen, farm, office, food, bathroom, attic, school, games, toys
Environments: interiors, exteriors, modern, vintage, ancient, houses, apartments, land, sea, earth, outer space, dessert, forest, tropical, arctic
Seasons and weather: winter, spring, summer, fall, rain, lightning, wind, snow, fog, cold, hot Lighting: morning, noon, evening, night, spotlight, fire, ambient, on camera, on camera hidden, off camera
Surfaces: shiny, matte, textured, furry, translucent, rough
Action: falling, breaking, sliding, moving fast, running, jumping, flying, rolling, skidding
Emotion: anger, excitement, happiness, sadness, fear, confidence, curiosity, love, sleeping, pain
Scale: huge objects, tiny objects
Camera Angles: establishing, close ups, medium, distant, high angle, low angle, profile, dynamic, POV.
Complex Images: multiple figures, multiple objects
Basically a little bit of everything done well lols
@Heather-Boyd that’s right haha!
Hey Zachary,
I'd recommend you get a domain name but try to keep all your profiles online the same as your website. Like my website is lovetherobot, as is my instagram and twitter.
I usually pick the strongest pieces that you feel most confident about yourself and you are happy showing to everyone. Then I'd ask 3/4 fellows creative or non creatives to view my selections and see if its a decent cross section of my work and my style.
You could always set up a Tumblr or a Behance project which would be like an Image Dump of work that you didn't end up using or that you haven't shown to the public...even rough sketches or development drawings because its good to shoot those to a potential client if they ask for them.
@Jad-Bautista thank you! I copied this for later reference. I also started checking out the videos that people have been talking about here. It may have taken a little while to stumble upon them myself, there's so much content. But anyway, time to get busy working on this list.
@lovetherobot thanks for the suggestion. I know personally I have a hard time remembering all the names of the artists I like but can look them up by project names. Then on the other hand, it seems like most professionals use their name-dot-com. I'm kind of up in the air about which is better and think it probably doesn't matter much anyway (as long as the work is compelling).