Picture book Nanowrimo. Who's in?
@Braden-Hallett were you planning to give each word or phrase or idea for the story each day or like monthly challenges altogether? Thanks
@Heather-Boyd I think I'll post a prompt a day. That gives us some freedom to change things up (today it's a prompt someone suggested, this other day it's this crazy picture I found)
Okoodokee ladies and gents! I'll post two threads sometime tomorrow. One for resources and prompts, and one for discussion/sharing and such
It'll be interesting to see how writing 15,000 total words across 30 different ideas compares to 50,000 words!
I can write something everyday and I'm not sure how long or what form it will be but it would certainly be good for me! I'll agree to that much. Prompts or story starters could be helpful!
@Braden-Hallett waiting for the writing party to start :-). So excited. I am writng an art grands application today, I can write some more text today
@xin-li That's fantastic!
Soon as I'm done my daily drawing I'll get on it. It'll be a couple of hours or so but then it shall start!!
@xin-li I think @Braden-Hallett just likes messing with us! :face_savouring_delicious_food:
i really hope to get a prompt today but since it is getting quite late i decided on my own prompt. During my daily walk i got to admire the beautiful autumn leaves falling all around covering the ground with their warm redish-brown or yellow colours. So my prompt to myself in anticipation to @Braden-Hallett 's prompt will be: Autumn leaf. Feel free to use it too if you like
@Inge-Permentier Awesome! Very cool. I do hate the fact that we all have to work in different time zones For me it's still rather early in the day. But the first prompt's up! Hooray!
@Braden-Hallett i love how i posted exactly the same time you did XD. Maybe we can do a prompt list like inktober so people in different timezones don't get into trouble :P. However if you post everyday at this time it is doable for me at least.
Prompt thread is here