Slovember Update...Value and Color Studies, plus some backgrounds.
I made a few alternations. I shifted the main characters to the right a little and added a few more asymmetrical lines to the figures to sharpen the silhouette. I also added a background since that was fuzzy. So, I went back to my research on the story of the Seven Ravens.
There's a scene where the main character goes to a glass mountain to find her brothers. I immediately thought "iceberg." So I wanted to see how the image would look with an iceberg in the background.
I'm thinking of this image more like a teaser image for a cover maybe, or an altered story where one Raven ran away to find his sister because something terrible happened to their brothers. Results in them taking the journey to find them again. Like part 2 of the story, where him and his brothers are suddenly transformed again.
Lastly I did some value and color studies.
Feedback is very very very welcome.
Re: vcFinal Sketches for Slovember... Seeking Critiques. Thanks
@Jennyann Neat! I rather like the blue/green red combo in the lower left value study! My next favourite would be the bottom right.