Chris Perry December 3rd Thursday
@Lynn-Larson Nice ideas Lynn.
Value study. Any input?
I think the POV throws me off... Why exactly does he have a lightsaber drawn when there's no enemy? If he's using it here like a light source, it makes no sense to have it held so low. Maybe raise that arm up as well...
Otherwise this look like Santa lifting the sleigh before it's loaded, which seems " careless " for lack of a better word, maybe ill planned. Also I don't get the grinning figure just above his lightsaber... which looks like it's about to cut the floating elf holding the bag in two!
What if Santa was in the Sleigh, his eyes closed in concentration, maybe legs crossed in a Yoda/yoga position, arms raised with lightsaber out, lifting the whole sleigh up with bags and elves flying up and out of it. I like the reindeer watching the sleigh float up, the other one seems scared of Santa, which is hilarious actually.
Nice changes! It reads more star wars now. I do suggest having Santa a lighter value--one in between the light from the saber and where he is now on the value scale. I really like this!
Agree that the lightsaber shouldn't be on.Maybe just have it hanging at the waist.
Thanks for all the input. Bobby, you have me thinking of redesign for the sake of story. I will need to go back to the drawing board.
@Chris-Perry said:
Thanks for all the input. Bobby, you have me thinking of redesign for the sake of story. I will need to go back to the drawing board.
It's still a great piece man, I would do the suggestion of sheathing the lightsaber on the belt and keep this...
Can some one tell where and how I post for the 3rd Thursday submission. I think it says something about Twitter but I don't use Twitter. Also what time does the judging begin on the 18th?
@Chris-Perry email it to: and then post it on the 3rd thursday forum
thank you Thrace