What Are You Working on This Year?
@Lee-White thats amazing. Congrats on such a huge milestone.
@Lee-White Wow, massive leap! I have a feeling that it'll be a success That's IMMENSELY cool that you're letting artists keep bulk of profits, huge respect for that.
@Lee-White wow. that is huge. Looking forward to hear more about your gallery and how you run it.
Thanks guys, the key to making something like a gallery or anything work is getting groups of people together. Art is weird in that we are all just solo and each one of us deals with all the costs and everything as an individual. The second that you put a group together, your buying power goes up and risk/cost goes down instantly!
So my gallery concept is that I rent out spaces for a small monthly fee and we all run the gallery. Then I don't need to make a profit on the artist's work. The rent is covered and we all get the benefit of working together. Going it alone is expensive and risky, working in a group is fun, cheap, and not much risk.
@Lee-White You have a group of artists you can choose from on svs