Carlianne Tipsey Featured for January!
Congrats, and well deserved! Love your work.
Congratulations and thanks also to @KathrynAdebayo for a great interview. Learning about the artist is as fun as looking at their art.
@AustinShurtliff congrats @carlianne !!!
@demotlj I agree completely!
I am a bit behind this week, but just wanted to say that I read your interview this morning and I really enjoyed it! Lovely work, and that octopus should exist as a real stuffed animal!
@Neha-Rawat thank you so much! I love your work too! I also totally thought you were going to take that first round of the contest this month! Your little kitty so cuuuuuute
@deborah-Haagenson thank you so much!! It must be hard to get used to "real weather" after living in Ventura so long:smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat:
@LauraA Aw thanks so much! I'm also way behind responding to people lol. And omg I would have so much fun designing plushies. They're everything I love in life
@BichonBistro that's so sweet! I'm also glad I found SVS and have been able to be revitalized. I didn't want to go into negative stuff in my interview, but I had a large client who was pretty horrible to me, and it has been a long time since I've really had any validation as an artist. Winning a contest and a feature here really makes me feel like I'm on the right track again.
and thanks everyone else again, I really really appreciate all the kind words and encouragement
@carlianne Yes it sure is! One day this week when I walked into work it was -11, which is already very cold, but the real feel temperature was -32. Driving is the worse!
Crazy!! Driving sounds super scary in temperatures like that.
@carlianne said in Carlianne Tipsey Featured for January!:
@Neha-Rawat thank you so much! I love your work too! I also totally thought you were going to take that first round of the contest this month! Your little kitty so cuuuuuute
Ahahaha! Thank you! But I'm so happy I lost to a good contender
Oh man when I saw those owls, I was like damn! Why didn't I think of something cute and fun like OWL MOUNTAINS!
@Neha-Rawat LOL thanks!! It was funny because I was like OWL MOUNTAINS SO FUN. And then I was like how is this actually a story??? And then trying to work in into one for the other 3 weeks