@sarahlash lovely, made me stop and look! hand needs to turn though....
@Coley I love this!!!!
@maibutterfly2277 thank you so much
@Melanie-Ortins Very dramatic composition! It's great!
@marshallx Wonderful composition and perspective!
@Heather-Boyd Thanks, Heather. THere's a few OUTSTANDING ones I will "like" with the up arrow.
Rita -
@chrisaakins said in FEBRUARY CONTEST: NIGHTFALL:
@Jenna-Jenks This is beautiful. Was this done traditionally?
Yes! I don't do anything in digital form at this time (Most of my work I take on the go to my other job LOL!) This piece is India Ink though if you were wondering the medium
@chrisaakins The falling monster is such a fun picture! (especially with the book he's reading :P) The shadows are nice too
@sarahlash I love the perspective of distance you give the ladder, and the droplets on the webbing and brightness of the etched design from her throw is really nice touches
@Jenna-Jenks Thank you so much!
@robgale Thanks so much! Yeah it's meant to be a giant plant!
@marshallx this is really nice. I love the coloring in it.
Maybe I'm not posting in the optimum format/dimensions, but when I post images they tend to be low quality unless you click on them to open them in a new web page
Not sure why this is, as no one elses images look pixelated to me!
@eriberart On both my laptop and phone screen your image looks fine. Not pixelated, and when I click and open it I can't tell the difference.
I know what you mean about it doing that sometimes though... no idea why. -
@neschof Strange! The quality of my own image looks so poor on my laptop... I guess that is okay if it looks fine for everyone else though haha!