Favorite Children's Book Illustrators and why?
I have a long list and I have only been researching this question with this as a career in mind for a very short time. I read a lot to my daughter when she was younger and some I really remember but others are just a blur. For me personally as a kid I always remembered "Where the Wild Things Are" not sure why as I didn't like Max but the artwork thrilled me.
This list are artists I plan on trying to copy their artwork to learn.
Love the clean graphic colorful lookhttp://www.brookeboyntonhughes.com/nq14e5omn2lcgmda5zlsnoyuz6mgl0
Like the simple look of these and some of my doodles are a beginning unpolished phase 1 of these I think.http://www.ashleyspires.com/books.html
Love the color vs monochromatic in some of her workhttp://cartergoodrich.com/books/say-hello-to-zorro/Say-Hello-to-Zorro-5/
Love his color use, textures, overly exaggerated characters and expressionshttp://www.polybernatene.com/#!books/cyuu
Love how he draws and his lack of line work (I don't care for lines and was searching for a way to draw without it effectively which I think he does)http://ajhar.com/Brian_Ajhar_Studio/Home.html
His character designs are just hilarious -
when i was a kid my favorites are
Paul durand
because he do anything very well, expressive and beatiful
¨El Polilla¨ was my absolutely favorite when i was a kid, i read like hundred times, its still my favorite one
Appelealing characters, sweet story
Now, i know i missing many but i love oliver jeffers and leo espinoza
Also found these links:
Children's Book Illustration .com
The 20 Most Beautiful Children's Books of All Time - includes Sendak!!
Illustration Web . US - Really nice division of styles..., doy I see this was already linked!
I have several favorites. I tend to enjoy the more painterly styles (as opposed to say, vector or woodcut or line art or manga styles).
Will Terry is definitely one of the top. Another is Adam Rex (Chu's Day, Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, Psst!, etc.).http://www.adamrex.com/
I would love to take a course on dissecting some of these styles, and what makes them so enamored.
My favorite illustrators are from the period between 1880-1939.
• Arthur Rackham: http://www.artpassions.net/rackham/
• Edmund Dulac: http://www.artpassions.net/dulac/
• Anne Anderson: http://www.artpassions.net/anderson/
• Maxfield Parrish: http://www.artpassions.net/parrish/But I also really love some modern illustrators. Some of my favorites are:
• Jean-Baptiste Monge: https://www.google.com/search?q=jean-baptiste+monge&espv=2&biw=1531&bih=846&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBh_Lw6M3KAhUEMGMKHSi6AsMQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1.25
• Gary Lippincott: http://www.garylippincott.com/
• Omar Rayyan: http://studiorayyan.com/index.php
• Chris Dunn: https://www.facebook.com/chrisdunnillos/?fref=ts
• Justin Gerard & Annie Stegg Gerard (they're both awesome): http://www.gallerygerard.com -
Well this is an easy question...
Will Terry
Jake Parker
...and I am liking Zac Retz as well. -
my knowledge is quite limited but here are a few illustrators I discovered by reading books to / buying books for my kids, that I really liked:
birgitta sif http://www.birgittasif.com/
lee wildish http://www.leewildish.com/lee_wildish/PORTFOLIO.html
chris mould http://chrismould.blogspot.ie/
I also love @Lee-White 's style ^^ -
@Paulina-Orellana, ¿"El Polilla" es O menino maluquiño?
Fiep Westendorp, The most famous childrensbook illustrator we have ever had in the Netherlands, she even has her own museum over here! http://www.fiepwestendorp.nl/fiepamsterdam/
How about another illustrator, Rien Poortvliet. He was Dutch, died twenty years ago, but what a genius illustrator...! Created a whole wold of gnomes, and how they live. Presented the world of gnomes in two 300 page books, fully illustrated. Its just amazing ![30a5f15ded21c6a13b6a315d6da30dc6.jpg] (/uploads/files/1454072207299-30a5f15ded21c6a13b6a315d6da30dc6.jpg)
I've definitely seen these gnomes before @Leontine
beautiful work indeed -
Beautiful artwork! Thanks for sharing! -
I always loved the Little Critter Books-can't remember the illustrator right now....yikes! My 2 year old grandson loves Sandra Boynton books. I also enjoyed Helen Oxenbury with my kids, Maurice Sendak, Tomie Depaolo, can't think of anymore right now because I'm rushing off.
Rien Poortvliet.was the best Dutch wildlife illustrator, but was an hunter too...! He created a wonderful and realistic world of gnomes specialy for children.. More pictures at: http://rien-poortvliet.emyspot.com/
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Mercer Mayer - one of my favorites ever!
Bill Watterson - He is just too good. Best. My introduction to loving comic strips and wanting to draw cartoons.
Sergio Aragones - MAD mag illustrator, such witty drawings and brilliant ink technique.
Uderzo - The illustration excellence and comic appeal of Asterix is pretty much artistic perfection (IMO)
Quentin Blake - It was always so easy to spot a Roald Dahl in the library and Blake's artwork made the stories even more real. So sensitive with linework.
Too many to count. At the present time point, my favorites are
Jonny Duddle:
the marvelous Peter de Seve:
William Joyce:
On the graphical side, Jeff Turley:
and Meomi
But really, this is nearly endless...!!
Love that gnome! With his feet hanging out of the bath
To be honest my favorite children's book artist is Will Terry I was following and buying his painting videos off his website before he started doing all this.
And my second favorite is Dani Jones. Her workI think with both of them it was the way they use color and texture. Love their stuff. I use to try to mimic both of their styles when I was first learning how to paint.