Uploading images to the forum=frustration HELP
I cannot seem to get an image uploaded to the forum. I am sure I’m doing it wrong. I have compressed my photo, sometimes twice, and I still says there is an error. There are tons of images uploaded daily so I’m sure there is an easier way that my brain just doesn’t know.
Can anyone help?!?
@JennyJones I have not compressed any of the images I have posted, just resized them since it's smaller than the size I work in. By a lot. What software are you using?
What sizes are your images? I keep mine 1000 pixels on longest side for landscape formatted images and around 700-900 pixels on longest side for portrait formatted images. I also use the upload file icon on the far right instead of the upload image icon.
Thank you @carolinedrawing and @TessaW I’m trying again. I changed the pixels. I hope that works. Thank you. I guess I need to do research more so that I can professionally load images. Bogging down after creating art is a bummer!