JUNE CONTEST: A very different kind of prompt!
@Bricz-Art Yes! We'll be sending out the details soon!
@Lorna-H Thank you so much! I got a kick out of yours, we were on a similar wave length haha!
@Laurel-Goetz-Donkervoet - Thank you SO much for your kind comment. It means a lot that you like the style because I've had real difficulty translating my normal style using inks/paint into digital art.. to be honest I've not found my style yet on digital as I'm still learning so much. But every bit of encouragement is so helpful! I loved you image. It was one of only a few which showed Bongo and Clyde as friends at the end which was unusual and sweet, I was loving the banana boat too, so apt for a monkey
@Nyrryl-Cadiz - thanks very much! I had the idea for the alligator taxi as soon as I read the story, but as usual it looked better in my mind than I managed to produce
@LisaF when my subscription renewed in May I started getting the non-member emails (without the links to the live events prompting me to sign up for a trial). After I missed one or two I reached out to support and now I don't think that I'm getting the emails about live events at all... is there any way I can still get a link to todays event? I've checked spam, i'm positive my subscription is still active.
@StudioLooong I emailed you
Critique Arena is today! We'll be getting started at 2pm MDT. Check here for other time zones. See you in a bit!
Hi @LisaF I think I'm running into the same issue. My subscription renewed around the same time and I haven't been receiving live event emails either. Are you able to help with this? Thank you!
@Norman-Morana - yes! I was saying to another person on the forum, I had the taxi idea as soon as I read the story but as usual it looked miles better in my mind than I managed to produce. My skills need to increase a lot
@LisaF Hi Lisa, I didn't get an invite for the upcoming event either – could you check? :-]
@Lorna-H haha yeah getting those ideas in your head out right on paper is a real struggle XD but it gets better!
@PieterVanDerBeek Emailed you
@Norman-Morana Emailed!
Hi @LisaF can I get one too please
@Annaaronson Emailed you
@LisaF Thank you!!!!
I didn't get an email or link to sign in. Bummer.
@Lee-White & @Will-Terry
Did I miss it? I just realized I don't remember you two saying which part of the story you would have chosen to illustrate for this assignment. -
@gavpartridge I love how this turned out!
hi, where I can see the June critique? Im looking at the critique arena and I cant find it!