Looking for art friends willing to give honest critique!
Short introduction of myself!
I live in a small-ish town in the Philippines.
I'm an amateur artist but I aspire to hopefully be a children's book illustrator in the future.And to achieve that, I know that I need to improve my skills in draftsmanship and composition.
So I want to find people to be friends with who wants the same thing I want.
That would be to help each other grow and be better in art by criticizing each other's work.I don't have anyone near me and i don't really know how to make good friends online.
Sooo here's what I want to do.
I just want to add four people in a discord who have similar goals and have just around the same skill level as me.
And to have a once a week critique session where we each present at least 1 work that we want to be critiqued, either finished or unfinished.
So there'd just be five of us all in all (hopefully). Too many people tire me out ngl.And that's it! And hopefullyy we could be good art friends through this
(I really hope some people respond to this..)
@Manuel-Mal I am always up for friendship, but I don't use discord much and I think your skill is a bit above mine, but I wish you well.
I also always give good honest but kindly put feedback.
@Manuel-Mal Hi welcome, you have some great work!! For what it's worth, I think you should post your work here AND have a critique group. It's helpful to have a smaller group of people helping you as well as this forum.
I already have a group but wanted to welcome you anyway
@Manuel-Mal Hi!
Unfortunately, I don't have discord, so I'm no help here
But I think making friend amongst artist is a great way to improve yourself! Keep it going! And honestly, this forum is a great tool to meet artist, talk about children's book illustrations and stuff. So maybe look around a little bit?
And if I might give you just one bit of advice - your line work looks great, characters have emotions and I love your color palette - just maybe the scenes - even though they have a fairytale feel in them - are not for children audience? If you really want to break into children's book world, it could be a good think to work on some pieces that are more targeted towards kids.Or if this is what you want to do, maybe look more into YA novels, comics and stuff like that.
@Heather-Boyd thanks! a new art friend is great
@gavpartridge oowh i see. I'll try to start posting here more instead of just lurking from time to time. Thanks for the kind words by the way!
@mag Thanks for the advice! I'll try to be more active in the forums then
I totally echo everyone else saying that here's a GREAT place to be! I'm kind of in and out here (getting better at being here more often!) and it's an incredible place to get and receive feedback.
That being said, I'm all over discord all the time, so if you're looking for a Discord buddy I'm totally down!