Croc Walk
Hey everyone, started this in the sketch thread but now it's a 'finished' illustration so I thought I'd post it here. Kind of a new style for me, but one I'm really enjoying the look of!
This came from a story idea I've been kicking around. Feedback welcome, thanks!
Love it! Love the style, design, character, colors... everything!!
There is just some very minor tangents I would change (I don't know if they even count as tangents, they are so minor)
- I would extend the croc's tail a little above the sidewalk
- The 2 middle "paws" are just touching... I would either overlap them or separate them
Other than that, I LOVE it!
@NoWayMe Thanks for the great feedback, missed both of those things and you were right on, definitely helped the piece! The foot overlap comment also reminded me that his right front foot was supposed to be on the ground, so I added the reflection under it as well. Thanks again!
@natiwata I am glad I could help! I just looked through your portfolio and I love your art. And this new style is definitely working!
@NoWayMe Thanks! You could probably tell form my site that I'm a video game artist, so I'm trying to improve my skills at book illustration.
@Natiwata, nice, really nice! There's just a view things...why is it not raining? maybe you've tried it, and found out that it was a bit distracting? For color harmony, have you tried giving the boy a green 'crocodile' jacked?
Can you add some fun? Perhaps something he eat, is sticking on his teeth, or holding a bone? -
Really nice piece natiwata. Love the reflection.
Like your character design! great job!
I love it. So very appealing!
I love the rendering. Your style is amazing. My one suggestion would be that the eye of the crocodile looks flat compared to rest of him. Maybe add just a glimmer or something. Give it some depth too.
Thank you for all the great feedback everyone!
@Leontine - I had played around with other colors for the jacket, yellow, green, but wanted the crocodile to maintain the strongest colors and stand apart from the boy rather than matching him. As to the rain, I was keeping it simple...and I didn't have a lot of time to spend on this when I did it
Rain would be cool and I may add it later, as well as a background. He was supposed to be walking down a street in NYC, brownstones behind him, people gawking. And I may be putting a cat's tail hanging out of his mouth! Thank you for the great suggestions.
@Lee Holland @Naroth Kean @ Nancy Gormezano - Thanks!
@Pixby - A shine on the croc's eye would be a nice finishing touch, great suggestion!