My 3-year old Book FINALLY Gets Released!
What an ordeal! I'm so happy for you that's the book is finally going to be enjoyed by readers and of course, that you were compensated for your efforts. These images look fantastic.
Do you mind if I ask a question about your experience? Please only answer the following only if you're comfortable. Was the hold-up in payment also a result of a poorly written contract? Or did the publishers simply ignore the payment schedule, in which case, you could have sued them. But that would have been a huge hassle?
@Johanna-Kim Well, it wasn't really much our fault but more on the University's. They gave us permission to use their mascot only to rebuke their initial statement when the book was already complete. To my knowledge the authors showed my sketches to the school and they gave us the go ahead. Our contract stated that I was to be paid once the illustrations were finished. Since the school did not give us the approval, the book was technically not finished and we had to wait for the university to tell us what they wanted changed. I thought they'd get back to us in a few weeks or so but it turned into a year. By the time they told us they wanted the mascot's designs to be revised to fit exactly with their current mascot, I was already very occupied with my last year in college that I had no time. I had to decline their request. I politely reasoned with the authors that since I've waited for more than a year, I think I deserved the payment. Luckily they obliged. They were actually really nice.
@Johanna-Kim I think of the perks of this projects that the clients were actually really nice.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz This is great!! Congratulations - Just ordered my copy
@Kevin-Longueil Oh no! DON'T! As much as I say I'm proud of it, there are also parts I'm super embarassed!
You don't need to really. I'm not getting any royalties either way.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz alrighty then...cancelled... make sure to post your next book here so we can buy that one!
@Kevin-Longueil well, the book I did with HarperCollins is out since last month. Here's the link.
here's a sneak peek
Awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations @Nyrryl-Cadiz! Great to see a project make it through the legal challenges!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Congratulations!! Looks beautiful ! You are hard worker !
@jdubz @Jeremy-Ross @Jordi-Ventura Thsnks everyone.
Wow! I'm so glad this finally came to a satisfactory end! As a former South Carolinian (and Southerner in general), I can only say that, yes, they take their football very seriously down there! The book is cute, though, with well designed kid characters, and I like your mascot, even though I know the original Gamecock is a darker red
@LauraA thanks! I'm glad you like it too. I'd have to agree my mascot design is really off from the original. I was hoping to give it my own spin.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Congratulations!!!!
@Heather-Boyd thanks
Wow congratulations! It's mad how long it can take for a book to be published after the illustrator has completed the work
big congratulations. It is crazy how long it takes for a book to come out.
Congratulations, great news!
Congrats! That is so exciting and it looks great!