This is a really nice piece and it's looking good!
Two things I want to mention to hopefully improve it. The first is the angle of the shadows of the trees. The sun is so far away that any shadows from it should all point in the same direction. The only time you have shadows that radiate in different directions is when the light source is close (such as a street lamp). This is a subtle thing, but not having the shadows correct will cause it to have an "off" feeling for many people although they wont be able to tell you why.
The next thing is purely an opinion, but I think you should put some kind of subject matter in there. It doesn't have to dominate or be very big, but this picture is dying for something to attract the overall focus. It could be a park bench, a jogger, or anything you want. Just to give the viewer some main thing that the image is about.
Like I said, this is very lovely. It will be a great gift! : )