I'm currently an engineering student taking up Civil Engineering and I'll be graduating this March 2018. I never really imagined getting into engineering but because of a rebellious streak during my freshman year, I took up engineering as some sort of "screw you" to my mother and to everyone who doubted me. I did very well at the start. I got straight As and I was top of my class. However, as the years dragged on, I slowly lost my interest in my degree. I started skipping my classes. My grades started to drop, I fell into a deep depression and all I wanted was to get away from it all. It was then that I realized that all I wanted to do was art.
Before college, I always wanted to study Animation but because of my mother's objections, I decided not to. They convinced me that doing art isn't a viable career. Instead, they wanted me to get into Education (not that there's anything wrong with that). However, there was this part of me that thought: "I really don't care! I don't care if I'll be poor! I All I want to do is ART." I guess that's why rebelled and got into engineering.
So what's my take on this? If I had the chance, would I change any of it? No. Engineering made me realize what I hated and what I really wanted in life. It made me realize that art is the one path for me. Did it help me with my art? No. It enabled me to grow into a more well-rounded person though.
Would I recommend it to others? No. I highly oppose it. Taking up engineering wasted my time and money, valuable resources I could have put into art school and advance my skills by leagues compared to my current level. If I was able to realize this earlier and stick to my guns, it would've been a whole lot better.
So for those of you out there who are still on the fence on whether you should focus on your art and maybe go to an art school or take another course, go the art route. You will not regret it.
However, if you're worried about your financial future if you become an artist, perhaps you'll do better with another degree and by the end of the day, ask yourself if that course is still something you can see yourself growing old doing. Maybe you'll love it and decide to go with it. Or maybe you'll realize that you don't--- just like me. Be warned though, it will not be pretty. I only stuck with engineering because it would be such a waste to quit just a few months before graduation.
This is just my thoughts. I hope this was helpful.