@AWall said:
I liked your first drawing but I really dig your second. It might be taken farther if you can do something to distinguish Poe from the other characters. You might try a variation in size to isolate him since they are so tightly packed. Just an idea but play around with it a bit more, I think it can get even better.
I'll second that. You will either want to change the value of those characters (probably go lighter) or go with a different color for them.
The other main thing: you will want to really work at getting their organization just right. As it is, it more resembles a cut-n-paste/randomly placed crowd milling behind him. You want their placement to be very deliberate and designed. Don't be afraid to use different angles (you have most of the figures vertically aligned) and the figures can (should?) bleed into each other.
Related to that: you might want to vary their shapes/sizes more.
This is a really great image--one of the stronger ones I've seen so far for this contest. Really excited about it. I think you nailed the Poe figure and I like the composition of him and the text.