Hi Sougat, Working on a good portfolio is the best thing you can do. Here's some advice from svs-faculty instructor @Lee-White:
Show three images from the same story. Try to highlight character
interaction and get a sense of emotion and story.
Show 2 images that highlight environment. You can have some characters
in there, but make sure the environment is the main thing. Will does
this extremely well so poke around his website for inspiration.
For the remaining 5, try to vary the stories and how you show the
story. Be specific to the type of work you want to get.
Leave room for text in at least 75% of the work. I typically put the
text in there. It shows art directors that you understand the business
that we are in.
Have fun! Don't put too much pressure to get 10 perfect images right
away. Shoot for painting 20 or 30 and then picking the best 10 out of
Hope it helps!