JULY CONTEST: Design a book cover for the Wizard of Oz
@SethWolfshorndl Thank you Seth! The competition is impressive each month. Like you, it's a very talented group. I'm always inspired.
@SethWolfshorndl Very nice! I love your take on the Tin Man.
Hi my name is stephanie, I'm new, This was my first time trying anything like this
I'm not a Subscriber so I figured it didn't matter when I posted this I just wanted to show it, I got kind of disheartened towards the end after seeing everyone else's but I still was proud of my concept. So here it is, I know it's not the best and it could use more TLC. I was encouraged to post here though
My instagram has better work
@my_art_multi_verse -
@Tom-Shannon Thanks! He was probably my favorite design.
@sigross thanks
@Chip-Valecek Hello Chip
congrats for your new acquisition and may you enjoy it at max
Sorry if you guys have answered this a million times but I am new and I just want to make sure i get it - what happens next - is there a place where it is announced when the Arena Critique takes place?
I know that the last months Critiques have been archived but I cant seem to find the link to that (I have a subscription)
thank you so much
@Kevin-Longueil ohhhh so then I am not the only one.. i have to confess since I am new to the forum i ve been clicking a bit around trying to figure out things.. I hope I haven't downvoted anyone - it is not on purpose !! how does this work actually ? how many times can you upvote and downvote someone, and what does this mean ? I ve noticed you can also do it to normal replies - I don't get it so well why would you downvote a reply which doesnt have a submission attached.. Do these votes count anywhere ?
thanks, and excuse a novice -
@Joe-Kim this is really great, I like the rendering and there's a bit of power and mystery. Great job
@Coley Thanks! Glad those feelings came through.
This is my first time submitting to these contests here. I had trouble submitting it on the 31st and I just got an email saying I can submit it today. I hope it's alright.
@Chip-Valecek Chip, good luck with your move!
Wow, great work everybody!! We'll be convening our next Critique Arena on August 13, more details to come!
@sugo-studio Nice job! I love how colorful this is and so glad you got it to upload here!
@fpichel Thanks for entering the contest, and sorry for the delay on the email confirmation! We had to add that step on new accounts to help deter forum spam (although some still unfortunately gets in). Anyway, we'll accept your entry, and anyone else who ran into technical difficulties
Just fyi, we'll be holding a live event on August 13 at 2pm MDT where our judges reveal the top 16 entries and critique the work, then the audience votes for the top two. It's a lot of fun! We'll record it if you can't make it.
@sugo-studio Yes, you're in!
@Marta-Kitka so good
@LisaF Hi Lisa, sorry if I'm being too keen but do you know when the August prompt will be posted?
@carrieannebrown I will be posting it in a little bit.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks, Chip!
@carrieannebrown thanks so much, Carrie!